Room Rentals
Irreducible Grace Foundation (IGF) has various rooms and spaces available for rent at competitive rates. All Room Rental Requests must be submitted at least three weeks (21 days) before the requested date.
Priority will be given to organizations and individuals whose work aligns with the mission of the Black Youth Healing Arts Center (BYHAC) and Irreducible Grace Foundation. The Irreducible Grace Foundation holds the right to refuse or cancel reservation requests.
Room Rentals are not guaranteed until a confirmation has been issued. Please allow up to three business days for your request to be reviewed. For questions, please contact If you do not respond to the request for information related to your rental within three days of the request, we will assume that you are no longer interested in the rental. All fees paid will be kept by the BYHAC. A new request must be submitted if your reservation is canceled for lack of response; an additional reservation fee is also required.
What’s Included in the Rental Rate?
The rental fee includes one hour of room set-up/clean-up time. Additional set-up time over one hour may be reserved and will be billed at the hourly rate. Rental time includes clean-up time (by the client). Clients will be responsible for setting up and returning rooms and equipment to the same location and arrangement they were in at the start of the rental.
Weekend Surcharge
An additional fee of $50.00 per hour will be added to ALL Saturday and Sunday rentals to cover fees associated with having a building host present throughout the rental period.
Reservation Fee and Damage Deposit
All room rental requests are subject to a non-refundable Rental Reservation Fee and a refundable Damage Deposit. After submitting the Room Rental Request form you will be prompted to pay the non-refundable Rental Reservation Fee. Rental Requests will not be processed until the Rental Reservation Fee has been paid in full. Reservations are not transferable to any other person or organization.
● A $50.00 Non-Refundable Reservation Fee applies to all rentals. Rental requests will not be processed until the Reservation Fee is paid in full.
● A $75.00 refundable damage deposit applies to all rental reservations except for the gym.
● A $500.00 refundable damage deposit applies to gym rental reservations.
Once your request is confirmed a Room Rental Agreement and electronic invoice will be sent for the Damage Deposit and Rental Fee. All fees and deposits are due within seven (7) days of acceptance of the reservation request.
Reservation Requests
All Reservation Requests must be submitted through our Online Reservation Form. Reservations are not guaranteed until a confirmation has been issued.
A full copy of our Rental Policies can be found here. We encourage all potential clients to read through all rental policies before submitting a rental request.

3,384 sq/ft with full basketball court. Can be set up for special events with options including tables, chairs, and table land chair linens.
For gym rentals lasting more than eight hours, each additional hour after eight will be billed at $150.00 per hour.

1,443 sq/ft with round and traditional cafeteria tables. Includes small sink and counter.

Flex Room
Rooms range from 803 sq/ft - 832 sq/ft. Tables can be arranged in rows, squares, U shapes and more. Rooms include dry erase boards.