Dear Friends of Irreducible Grace Foundation,
This past week has been emotionally and mentally draining. To be a virtual witness to the killing of George Floyd and the causal demeanor of former officer Chauvin while doing it, leaves us and our community with another unjust trauma to heal from. The march to justice has been slow and rage swift. The devastation heightened by White supremacists has left our communities struggling to find everyday essentials.
If ever we were in need of our friends it is now. We need you to keep us in your thoughts and prayers, to dismantle "Black" fear, rage and oppression when it happens near you, and to be prepared to walk along side of us as we build a better life for Black people. In the coming months we will be making audacious asks of our friends and we hope that you will be willing to answer the call. We need each other to build what we have never had, a racially just and equitable community.
Striving for Healing, Peace and Justice,
Dr. D.
Tools for Healing: Finding the Pause Video Series
Find tools to help you and community heal from trauma in our Finding the Pause video series. Visit our YouTube channel to find all nine videos.