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FIG Times, January 2020

It is Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, this Monday January 20th. This day has always been a reflective one for me, as I'm old enough to remember the arduous process it took to get this day as a National Day of Observance. It took many, many people a very long time and a great deal of work, fighting to keep the legacy alive of Dr. King Jr. This man stood for such radical humanitarian treatment of people brought to our shores enslaved. I reflect on that fact that he gave his life in the fight to have the United States live up to their written laws, the written promises that hundreds of thousands lost their lives fighting for. I think about my daily actions and interactions on this day and wonder, am I advancing the work started by my ancestors, and their ancestors, or am I just benefitting from their struggle? If you are a Friend of IGF (FIG) I hope that you will join in this day to recommit yourself to being a "drum major for justice" like Dr. King Jr. this day and all year long.

- Darlene

Expanding IGF's Influence

By: Justin Haughton

In the past few weeks, the young people of IGF have been working on continuing to expand IGF’s influence through holding audiences for new workshop team members, building community with each other and working at a youth shelter.

This past Sunday, the team engaged in self-care through three hours of community building. Though it was cold and snowy outside, the young people of IGF made it a priority to both share their incredible stories, while also bringing out the healing energy that many members look forward to at IGF. The welcome carpet was rolled out for new potential members and a few members returned from long absences. During workshop team audiences, new potential members gave their own art share that captivated the rest of the group about their struggles as youth of color within their home, school system and community. The IGF community building day concluded with eyes more open and hearts filled, as they look to continue growing as a community and sharing the self-healing practices within the surrounding community.


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